“Founded in 1907, based in Invercargill with an office in Riverton servicing the Western Southland community, the team at Ward Adams Bryan-Lamb pride ourselves on quality service and results.
We are a mid-sized provincial law firm serving a large client base locally, nationally and internationally. Our staff combined have expertise in all areas of legal practice and represent a wide variety of clients. We work with individuals, families, large and small businesses, retailers, the rural sector, trade and professional organisations, as well as community groups.
After 49 years in our previous location we moved offices in Invercargill in November 2016 to a light, bright modern working environment. We invite all existing, new and potential clients to contact us or call in during business hours and one of our professional, friendly team will assist you to achieve the best possible result.
We are proud to support our Southern community and beyond in various ways including providing legal advice at the Southland Community Law Centre (Invercargill and Gore branches); advising numerous local golf clubs and other charitable organisations; and board appointments on various community organisations including ILT Foundation, Stadium Southland Limited, LANZ, Southland Community Law Centre Governance Committee and Stopping Violence Southland.”