By Roosje Rabusa
November 23, 2022
With the use of social media and online platforms becoming more and more prevalent in our daily lives, it is also becoming easier for people to use these platforms as a way to inflict psychological and verbal abuse or harm on other people. Individuals are now able to use online platforms to create fake profiles, post, threaten, and stalk people as a form of psychological harm. It is even becoming increasingly common for people to send messages by entering text into the reference box in a bank transfer. Individuals are becoming more creative, so it is important that we are aware of the risks of harm, and take the necessary steps to avoid such behaviour from continuing. Under the Family Violence Act 2018, such online behaviour may constitute “family violence” and an application to the Family Court for a Protection Order may be necessary. In order to make an application under this Act, you and the person exerting this harmful behaviour (the Respondent) must have been in a “family relationship”. The Respondent may be a current or previous spouse or partner, or a family member. You may wish to seek special conditions to be included in the Protection Order should the Court grant one. This may include that the Respondent must take all reasonable steps to remove harmful material about you from social media. If you are not in a “family relationship”, an application can be made in the District Court under the Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015. In contrast to an application under the Family Violence Act 2018, for an order to be granted under this Act, it must be satisfied that the other party had intention to cause you harm, and such communication would cause harm to a reasonable person and did cause you harm. If successful, the Court may make orders against the other party including taking down or disabling the material, ceasing or refraining from the conduct concerned, or publishing an apology. This Act is narrow and more targeted, and is not likely to result in quick or efficient redress compared to the Family Violence Act 2018. In any event, it is important that you put necessary measures in place to stop this behaviour from continuing including not sharing your passwords, disabling GPS tracking on online platforms, blocking others on social media, and making a complaint to the relevant agencies.